How to do the topographic details surveying work using myRTKnet method by using GPS CHC.

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera, post kali ini JS ingin kongsikan kepada anda semua cara melakukan kerja pengukuran pengambilan butiran topo dengan menggunakan kaedah myRTKnet bersama alat GPS CHC.

1. Open handheld and go to WIRELESS MANAGER to turn on WIFI if using hotspot from smartphone.

2. Next, click START and select survCE. Then, if you want to continue last job just select it but if it to be the New job just select it.

3.  After that, select menu bar FILE and click JOB to create new job. Select menu bar EQUIP to setting before connecting to instrument, go to number 3 (GPS ROVER) to change the function of rover data select MYRTKNET then click LOAD. 

4. Same menu bar GPS ROVER and select COMMS. Type : BLUETOOTH, BT Type : Windows Mobile and Device : select serial id for instrument. 

5.  At the same menu bar GPS ROVER click to RECEIVER for editing height of rover. Elevation mask : 10 , select VERTICAL , Position Rate : 1Hz and select brand of rover. Then go to menu bar RTK for Device : Data Collector Internet , Network : NTRIP , Myrtknet : VRS_RTCM31 / VRS_RTCM23 and click RIGHT after finish selection. 

6. To enter the id and password myrtknet just click symbol. In addition, one controller or handheld can connect for one user myrtknet only.

7. To check the line or connection just go to menu bar number 7 MONITOR/SKYPLOT. If the status is Float must move or waiting until it FIXED. After the status already Fixed, you can collect the data just go SURVEY and click STORED POINTS you can start to collect the detail topography and get the true level from geoid. 

8. After finish collect the data, you must export the raw data to dwg format for editing and make a plan. Go to this earth symbol, click menu FILE and select dxf/dwg then export data. 

9. After done export to dwg format, connect cable from handheld to computer for transfer the data.  Your pc must have windows mobile software to transfer the data from handheld. After your pc detect that handheld, you can copy the file that you want to desktop pc from storage card. You can proceed to process the point that you collect from site. 


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